Jesus Loves YOU!

St. John’s Welcomes YOU
Who We Are
Who We Are
“See how great a love the Father has bestowed on us, that we would be called children of God; for that is what we are.” - 1 John 3:1
That promise is given to all those who have faith in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and who have been forgiven by the shedding of his blood, and who, by the power of the resurrection, have the promise of eternal life. And so who are we? Along with all those around the world and throughout the ages of time who share in this faith, we are the children of God!
Jesus calls this collection of people that believe in him the Church. He tells us how he loves the Church like a groom loves his bride. He tells us that the Church is the body of Christ. And he tells us that, because of his victory over sin, death, and the devil, that even the gates of hell will not stand against it.
And so who are we at St. John's? We are the church! We are the children of God, redeemed by Jesus Christ.
Is this because of how great we are as people? Is this because we're the best and brightest? Is this because we have everything all figured out?
Nope. It is all because of Jesus Christ.
Who are we at St. John's? We are a collection of people, the Church, who are sinners, but who are loved by God, forgiven by Jesus Christ, and now live, one with another, awaiting the day of his return when we will live in the Kingdom of God in a place of joy and love and peace that will never end.
And you know what? We would love for you to be a part of this people too.
So maybe the better question is: who are you? Do you struggle in life? Do you have things pretty well put together? Are you living for the sake of this world? Do you think you don't belong in a church because of some sin you just can't seem to shake? Does guilt well up inside you when you think of God? Are you not even sure that God is there, and if he is, do you doubt he'd take in someone like you?
Well then I've got some good news for you: you are welcome to become a part of the body of Christ, of the children of God, of the Church that is found at St. John's in Lafe. Because no matter what else may be true about you, I can tell you one thing for certain, something that you may or may not know, but that whoever you are and whatever you are going through, I know is true with absolute certainty:
And Jesus loves us too. That is who we are. And if you are looking for a Church, we would love for you to come be a part of who we are at St. John's.
God's blessings!
Pastor Aaron

What to Expect
What to Expect
Our hope at St. John's if that what you can expect as you come into our church, whether it is for one of our many meals, times of fellowship, or as we gather to worship Jesus, is that you hear, feel, and come into contact with the Gospel, or the “Good News”, that JESUS LOVES YOU, died for your sins, and that all who believe in Him will have eternal life!
We believe what the Church is, as it is found all over the world and throughout the ages of time, is the way God, through the Holy Spirit, gives the forgiveness of sins that Jesus has won for us on the cross. The way he does this is through His Word, (as it is found in the Scriptures and in the preaching and teaching of the Gospel,) as well as through the Lord's Supper and Baptism. Because of this, we try and have our worship centered around these things.
At St. John's we are what many would consider a liturgical church. All this means is that we have a set order of worship that we follow every Sunday. This includes confessing our sins and having them proclaimed forgiven, praying together, singing collections of hymns, including scripture readings in every worship service, and regularly participating in the Lord's Supper. (At St. John's we hold the Lord's Supper every 2nd and 4th Sunday.)
If you are a visitor to our church and any of this is new to you, please feel free to turn to one of the friendly faces at St. Johns' and ask any of them for help. So too, you can always feel free to ask Pastor Aaron any questions you might have about the way we worship. We want you to feel comfortable with us!
Finally, the most important thing for you to expect at St. Johns is that we want you to come as you are because, again, JESUS LOVES YOU! Please know this: there is no guilt, shame, sin, fear, or anything that you have done that takes Jesus' love away. Maybe you haven't thought of Him in awhile, but we promise that He has never forgotten you. Because JESUS LOVES YOU, you are always welcome with us! After all, here at St. John's we are nothing but a collection of sinners in need of the forgiveness of Jesus Christ which, thanks be to God, He has given to us!
We would love to share that same forgiveness with you.
9:15am Sunday School and Adult Bible Class
10:30am Worship Service with optional Children's Church during sermon

Bible Study
Bible Study Opportunities:
Potluck Bible Study: 1st Monday
Tuesday Morning Bible Study: Every Tuesday Morning
Bridge Bible Study: Last Sunday

Children, Youth & Family
Sunday School
Children's Church: through 2nd Grade
SONlight Weeknight: Wednesdays during September-May
Vacation Bible School
Generation to Generation
SONshine Station: Wednesdays during June-July
Youth Group-2nd Sunday of the Month

Senior Meal on 3rd Wednesday of Month
SONshine Station Backpack Ministry
Mission Outreach Meals
St. John's Fish Fry
Community Christmas Baskets

Want to learn more about Jesus? Contact us today!
Contact Us
Questions, comments or special requests? We’d love to hear from you, so don’t hesitate to reach out today.
Office Hours:
Mon - Fri: 8am - 12pm
Sun: 9am - 12pm
Aaron Neugebauer, Pastor
Tessa Brasher, Director of Christian Education
Robin Moyer, Administrative Assistant
Want to know about upcoming events and updates on current ministries? Like us on Facebook! St. John's Lutheran Church, Lafe AR
(870) 586-0319

St. John's Lutheran Church
11530 Highway 135 North
Lafe, AR 72450